Recommended Android Apps 2018

Updated for 2018 Among my friends, I’m often the looked on as the “Android Guy.” I’ve been using Android devices longer than almost all of my friends. I’ve used both iOS and Android devices, and have a pretty good understanding of the benefits and difficulties with each. I’m often asked for assistance in making the transition from iOS to Android.. A few years ago, I wrote up some recommended Android apps for a friend (and a few updates along the way).

Recommended Android Apps 2017

Updated for 2017 Among my friends, I’m often the looked on as the “Android Guy.” I’ve been using Android devices longer than almost all of my friends. I’ve used both iOS and Android devices, and have a pretty good understanding of the benefits and difficulties with each. I’m often asked for assistance in making the transition from iOS to Android. A few years ago, I wrote up some recommended Android apps for a friend (and a few updates along the way).

A Blast from the Past: IE6 Compatibility

Note: My “On this day” over on Facebook just reconnected me with a blog post I wrote 7 years ago, today. Let’s hop into the Wayback Machine to understand why the heck I was writing about this 7 years ago. While working for a health care startup, I researched, evaluated, and eventually implemented a software as a service (SaaS) collaboration platform called Central Desktop (now iMeet Central) for the company. We used it to collaborate internally and externally on many different projects.